Sunday, July 12, 2009

PostHeaderIcon Fabulous Flirt

I had a really excellent ride on Flirt today. Instead of having any preconceived hopes of what we would accomplish, I just focused on having a calm ride. It worked! She was great, despite the "dance of the riding lawn mowers" going on across the road. Apparently it was a good day to mow the lawn. ;) Anyhow, Flirt took everything in stride. She had a very nice, relaxed trot. Transitions to walk came easily. Lots of walking on a long rein. She was fabulous. And so different than last weekend. We're definitely going to have to deal with her issues of working with another horse. However, I'm thrilled with how well she did today on her own. This filly is going to make somebody a *really* nice horse. Know anyone who wants a (nearly) 16h 2005 dark bay TB mare? Send them to Friends of Ferdinand. The website link is above. :)

I also rode Jewel. After nearly 3.5 months off due to various injuries, it was great to have a ride where I feel like she actually worked some.

I have lessons scheduled with both mares tomorrow with Sarah-Jayne Bower. She's a British Riding Club certified instructor. I'm looking forward to them. The vet is also coming out to do exams on Wings (aka Smoke) and Sully. She's also going to do a health certificate and coggins for Magic, who will be leaving for home next week some time.

I'm showing Sully tonight to a potential adopter. I think it will go really well. He's a super nice horse. Stay tuned to find out what happens! :)